Ludophiles awesome stream yesterday , what a nice trip to Poland ..but fock I forgot to ask to GOG people something about upcoming projects such as Cyberpunk 2077 or at least something about a possible GOTY... I mean the Gwent mutiplayer game.
The idea was to stream Fallout New Vegas on PC tonight. Dahlia realized that all the game was German, voice audio, subtitles, menu everything.
Checking the game's properties in Steam library where usually there is a "language" tab there was nothing. A little bit of research later it was clear that the game was a "low violence version" especially for the German market and that while the game in general supports switching between languages easily this was removed from this particular version.
Some research later it was clear that the Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition was not crippled for the German market, so buying it looked like a solution... But guess what... if you buy the Ultimate Edition you actually do not get the Ultimate Edtion but instead keep your old base game and Steam just adds the add-ons included in that Ultimate Edition to your library.
So sorry, tonight's stream will start an hour later than planned and you will have to watch the German version, thanks to German legislation, careless developers, and Steam's obsession with DRM.
The bottom line is actually two this time:
burn DRM platforms such as Steam that basically still own your games even after you have bought them, instead go
if you need an uncut version in German language try out the Austrian - rumor has it they are rather quick with shipping new games
Friends, it's time for another gaming quiz! This time it will be Fallout themed, created and executed by @DaftMav .
The quiz will take place during Dahlia's stream of Fallout 4, Friday night (UTC). Friday, the 13th that is, aka today, so in just a couple of hours.
There'll be 20+ questions, 1 point for each question, most points win, several prizes to pick from a pool of games, one prize to be raffled randomly among those with at least 1 point.
Next stream will be special because it will be Jacky's debut stream on the Ludophiles channel. Please join us welcoming her to the team! Tomorrow, 24th of January, High Noon UTC / 13:00 CET.
This week will be chaos week for the Ludophiles channel. Jacky is moving so she won't be able to stream at all this week. Dahlia will be working very late on Tuesday so she won't stream on Tuesday either but she will stream today, Monday, evening (UTC/CET), that's in just a couple of hours from now. Dahlia's other two streams will stick to the schedule: Wednesday evening and Friday evening (UTC/CET). There a tiny chance for additional random stream, so watch this thread and social media for potential updates.
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