Elder Scrolls Online Guild


I will create a nord (Warrior) - I played a Thief on PC and need a change . I checked the PSN voice chat. It's limited to 8 users simultaneously.


I might join if I end up getting ESO, I want to watch some streams of it first. :p

Edit; Scratch that, I'm getting a copy send to me in the next few days. <3 Bethesda
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Quick status update for the project:

You can only create a guild when you have a level 10 character...

So I was grinding until I fell asleep, currently Dahlia is playing my character to get one to lvl 10 as fast as possible. Almost there I guess :)

Oh, it's Aelana Dragonblack, most beautiful Dark Elven Nightblade in the Ebonheart Pact (and yes, I was tempted to try some of the names we usually have in that chat game ;) ).


PC players got the option (for a limited time) to buy the console version of the game for 15 EUR, but now times up, sorry for the bad news.

@Eric: I got the invite and accepted it. I tryed to share some stuff (cooked food / downloadable Pizza ;) ) using the guild bank account, but it was restricted to me. Maybe you can change the rules for the rank recruit or change it to member. In TESO every guild player can see the guild-bank transactions of every other player. So its easy to find out who's social and who's still learning.


Ludophiles board game night tonight, 7+ hours of Eldritch Horror and still didn't finish the game...

All invites should be sent, if someone didn't get one please let us know.

Cyrorvus is "officer", I'd love the make Micha officer too, for the the German section :) and DaftMav will be officer too, commanding over the English chapter (I guess we all take those ranks and stuff not too serious) ;)

Any ideas how to proceed, just post in this thread.

Something I certainly want to to is adding more info to post #1.

And if enough people are interested we certainly can expand this to PC or even Xbox - would "just" need someone to manage it. Would you be able to create a PC guild @RAZER ???


Created Ordo Ludophilia for PC users as well. If you want to join let me know.

Sold all my old stuff and started a new character.


got the invite, thanks. At least ived better read the notes from post 1... not sure if im right there in the game xD created a wizard silvan elf called "Galder Wetterwachs" and my alliance status is at Aldmeri-Dominion.Dont know how this could happen and i hope it doesnt matter in any ways? Is there a way to change it?

The "officer" status sounds good for me even if anyone accept this decision. btw..is there an option to put some stuff in the guildbank as a "rekrut/member"? got no rights to do this yet :)

GuildChat- or soundsystem ingame would be nice too, i see Gissmo or Cryorvus but there is no way ingame to say "hi"...

see u ingame :) ..hope so


Afaik characters not in the Ebonheart Pact would be enemies in PvP zones. Not sure if coop gameplay would be possible cross-alliance at all. Luckily you can create up to 5 characters. With multiple characters you can also play all quests and all regions of all alliances.

Guild banks will unlock at 10 active members (and guild heraldry too). Guild stores will unlokck at 50 active members.

Guild voice chat should work. You can join/leave a channels with Options -> Social -> Voice.


Hallo. Ich weiss jetzt nicht ob ich hier richtig bin, um einen Antrag zur Aufnahme in die Gilde zu stellen, aber ich mach es jetzt mal.
Also mein Name ist Dirk und ich bin (womöglich) bestimmt mit 49 Jahren der "Opa" hier und stelle hiermit einen Antrag auf Aufnahme in die Gilde. Mein PSN-Name ist "meldirk". Ich bin zwar kein Vollprofi was Online-RPG's angeht, aber ich versuch zu helfen, wo es geht.

Liebe Grüße Dirk (Dirkogaard, meldirk....oder wie auch immer )


Hallo. Ich weiss jetzt nicht ob ich hier richtig bin, um einen Antrag zur Aufnahme in die Gilde zu stellen, aber ich mach es jetzt mal.
Also mein Name ist Dirk und ich bin (womöglich) bestimmt mit 40 Jahren der "Opa" hier und stelle hiermit einen Antrag auf Aufnahme in die Gilde. Mein PSN-Name ist "meldirk". Ich bin zwar kein Vollprofi was Online-RPG's angeht, aber ich versuch zu helfen, wo es geht.

Liebe Grüße Dirk (Dirkogaard, meldirk....oder wie auch immer )


Guten Morgen Dirk, die Einladung ging soeben an Dich raus :) Alter, Aussehen oder sonstige Gebrechen stellen kein Problem da solange man Spaß am Spiel hat :)

Liebe Grüße

My german is not that good, but I think I agree 100% with you there !

Und wilkomen zu Ludophiles Dirk :)


good morning, yesterday Cryorvus and i had a little ingame message conversation about doing some stuff at the game as a guild. So i think at first we need a better communicationsystem as ESOTU build in. The Voiceserver was unavailable for a long time but i think they will fix it soon. So whats next...uhmm.. aye. back to text.. Cryorvus has tested the groupinvite and i got no notify about the invite so he/we think thats not possible to join a groupsystem with ebonheart pact to other alliances. So it can be possible that guildmembers with other alliance status cant play with the main alliance (Ebonheart pact) as a group? Im not quite sure about that o_O..

The second thing is.. We need a short meeting to plan some stuff. I see a lot of members runnin alone through ESOTU as a soloplayer so i think its not that kind of Guild we wanna have or? So question is.... What about a short meeting at Thursday 18.06.2015 / 19:00 (MESZ) at Ludophiles Twitchchat or even when the voiceserver status is ok just a short conversation in there?

What do u think about it? Let me know, greetings.

(for the germans....)

Hallo zusammen, gestern hatte Cryorvus und ich einen kleinen Nachrichtenaustausch im Spiel und angedacht ist mal etwas Gildeninternes zu starten. Aufgrund der häufigen ausfälle des Sprachservers ist es derzeit ein wenig umständlich zu kommunizieren. Denke das werden die aber hinbekommen...aber zurück zum Text. Cryorvus testete die Gruppeneinladung einmal aus jedoch bekam ich keine Info was wohl daran liegen mag, dass ich nicht dem selben Bündnis angehöre mit meinem Zauberer. Ich denke also das wer dem Ebenherz-Pakt angehört nicht die Möglichkeit besitzt anderen Gildenmitglieder aus anderen Bündnissen einzuladen bzw. gemeinsam zu questen. Ich hoffe ich irre mich o_O

Zweite Sache... Wir sollten mal ein kurzes treffen ausmachen um einfach mal ein paar vlt. offene Fragen zu beantworten. Ich sehe derzeit viele Spieler online und alle rennen irgendwie alleine durch ESOTU, denke das war von allen nicht so angedacht? Frage ist, was haltet Ihr von einem kleinen treffen am Donnerstag 18.06.2015 / 19:00 (unsere Zeit) bei Dahlias Twitchchat? Oder sofern der Sprachchat funktioniert, eine kleine Unterhaltung dort?

Was sagt Ihr dazu? Grüße