Elder Scrolls Online Guild


For people interested in PvP: I found I was able to get really good blue level gear in the PvP campaigns which you can join once you are level 10. Do the first few quests you see so you get siege weapon training. And then just go where people are fighting on the map (look at the castle icons). Try not to die and get some shots in with ranged attacks. You'll earn lots of Alliance Points which you can use to buy gear and siege weapons like catapults and siege weapons (to place them you have to equip and use them like potions). You'll get rewards send to you by mail with good green gear for your current level, and can buy blue level gear with alliance points. Available gear goes up by 5, so at lvl 10, 15, 20, etc the NPC's have green and blue 'loot chests' you can buy for cheap at the lower levels.

Perhaps we should choose which campaign to join as a guild too, so we can team up in there. Once you choose a home campaign you can't change it until it's over (there are 5-day up to 30 and 90 day campaigns!). This is so people can't jump campaigns until they find one where their alliance is winning. I'll suggest Thornblade 30 days campaign, there's about 10 days left right now I think --EDIT: Perhaps ebonheart alliance is a bit too strong in there, it's great for PvE questing in the Cyrodiil map but it doesn't seem to have a lot of enemies for PvP so it's harder to get alliance points. Maybe the 5-day campaign would be best to figure things out at first.

Headset audio levels in stream;
The issue with other people being really loud is because twitch upload on PS4 uses the "TV out" audio of incoming voicechat. It's like when you don't have a headset plugged in, the voicechat of other players will come from the TV. That's a lot louder than the headset because the headset has a separate volume setting. The in-game 'player voice level' (at the bottom in the options) lowers the volume a bit, but everyone who joins probably needs to lower their mic input level too.

As for stream feedback;
As a non-german speaking viewer, it's indeed a bit hard to follow if the chatting is done in German. Although I can still understand most of it since I'm Dutch many people won't have a clue what is being said. And something I also noticed with the witcher; on-screen language is in German and audio is in English, which is fine. But usually Dahlia responds to chat during cutscenes so it gets difficult to follow what's being said in-game for English viewers. I think it's more interesting when you can follow the story along with the player and see the reactions on what's happening. But like others have said streaming, playing, talking and finding a balance between them is a difficult job to do.

About moving: I'm not sure. Generally you can teleport to other players. The system will teleport you to a shrine near the target. If this means:

the nearest shrine, indifferent which shrines you already found
the nearest shrine you already found

we have to test.
It will teleport you to the closest shrine, doesn't matter if you haven't been there before. In the instanced group dungeons, one player in the group can enter it and everyone else can use 'travel to player' from the group list or guild roster. You will spawn at the start and inside the same instance of the dungeon.
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@DaftMav: Thank you for the infos and your piont of view - I think its understandable.

But now, something different. I found time to think about the guilds background story again. I wrote a timeline and the idea is, to add our adventures to that timeline from time to time. I wrote this text in german language. Is there someone else who can translate it into english language, please, please, please? I think my english isn't good enough to do that correctly. At school, I wasn't the brightest candle at the candelier, maybe I decided to often, not to go there. I think I learned more english at the basketball playground than at school...anyway, nothing to regret.

Ok, here is the timeline (in german):

2Ä 572

Die Akaviri fallen an der Nordküste Morrowinds in Tamriel ein. Die akavirische Armee überquert kurz darauf auch die Grenze zu Himmelsrand. Die Nord-Stadt Windhelm wird fast vollständig von ihnen zerstört.

Nachdem der Schock durch diesen Überraschungsangriff abklingt, formieren sich Nord und Dunmer gemeinsam zu einem Gegenangriff. Ein ungewöhnliches, aber unbedingt nötiges Bündnis.

Die Akaviri werden aus Himmelsrand vertrieben, doch der Blutdurst der Nord ist geweckt und so verfolgen sie die Akaviri in Morrowind weiter. Eine Unterstützung, die die Dunmer dringend brauchen, denn der Feind hat seine Truppen zusammengezogen. Die Akaviri sind eingekesselt, doch ein Durchbrechen, bevor die Vorräte knapp werden, gilt als wahrscheinlich und wäre wohl kaum zu verhindern. Für einen Angriff sind die Dunmer und Nord aber noch zu geschwächt. Da treten ihnen die Argonier, die sich eigentlich von je her aus allem heraus hielten, hinzu, um den Dunmer und Nord beizustehen. Die Akaviri werden ohne Gnade vernichtet, der Ebenherz Pakt ist geboren.

2Ä 577

Jarl Elgyr regiert in Windhelm. Der Wiederaufbau der Stadt verlief schlecht. Es herrschen Armut und Hungersnot. Um das Volk nicht vollends gegen sich aufzubringen, ruft Jarl Elgyr die "Wolfsspiele" ins Leben, um für Ablenkung zu sorgen. Bei diesen bekommt jeder die Möglichkeit seiner Armut zu entfliehen oder durch die Klinge seiner Gegner zu sterben. Das kostenfreie Met für die Zuschauer der Spiele, heizt das Gemetzel noch zusätzlich an. Für genügend Kämpfer sorgt auch ein von Jarl Elgyr neu erlassenes Gesetz, dass es ihm erlaubt Verbrecher zur Teilnahme an den Spielen zu verurteilen. Sollten diese Verbrecher auch Gegner der Politik des Jarls gewesen sein, so ist dies nur Zufall.

Als Sieger des ersten Turniers geht überraschender Weise eine junge Diebin Namens Aelana Dragonblack hervor. Diese sucht nach Rache für die überzogene Strafe, die der Jarl gegen sie aussetzte, und gründet mit Hilfe der Siegesprämie den "Ordo Ludophilia". Auch hier zeigt sich ihre Gerissenheit. Ihre Organisation wird als Orden zur Anbetung des Kriegsgottes Shor registriert, was sie laut den alten Schriften der Nord von jeglicher Steuer befreit. Doch die Ludophilen beten nicht, sie bereiten ihresgleichen auf die Wolfsspiele vor und bilden so die erste, wenn auch inoffizielle, Gladiatorenschule der Nord. Wer dem objektiven Schattengericht des Ordo Ludophilia beweisen kann, dass er nur Aufgrund seiner Kritik am Jarl zur Teilnahme an den Wolfsspielen verurteilt wurde, der wird ausgebildet und steigert damit seine Überlebenschancen erheblich. Dieses Vorgehen Aelanas führt dazu, dass immer mehr Gegner des Jarls überleben und dafür von ihm auch noch bezahlt werden müssen. Auch genießen diese Kämpfer die Sympathien der Bevölkerung und das nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil der Orden auch die Armen unterstützt und dessen Heiler ihre Dienste kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen. Als der Jarl Aelanas Absichten endlich durchschaut und ihre Macht erkennt, ist es bereits zu spät. Eine Gruppe bestens ausgebildeter Kämpfer mit den finanziellen Mitteln für gute Ausrüstung und dem Rückhalt der Bevölkerung steht ihm gegenüber. Aelana lässt die Maske fallen...der Sturm auf den Palast beginnt und Aelana gewinnt ihr Spiel.

2Ä 578

Die arkane Explosion in der Kaiserstadt läutet den Seelenbruch ein und die Grenzen zwischen Oblivion und Tamriel brechen auf. Der Ordo Ludophilia, der die Wolfsspiele sofort nach seinem Sieg abschaffte und eigentlich im Begriff war sich aufzulösen, findet sich zusammen und beschließt das Spiel mit Molag Bal aufzunehmen...


there is also a song about the origin of the ebenheart pact - Link:
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Good morning,

phew awesome story @Cryorvus wonder how ppl get so talented in storylines. I never had ideas to create a baseline that fits but anyway... Im not the one who can translate it (u know 'alder' or at least moneyboy-style :p).

Ive got a request to @Eric ...We need a change in some options at the ranksystem in my opinion. The "Rekrut"-Rank need the option to put in some stuff like "Gold, Food etc etc etc". Today actually Officers were authorized using the guildbank and we got 3-4 Officers (me included). I think some "Rekruts" spend some gold for Dahlias first Mount if they got the chance to use the bank... so if you/we dont want it that way we need some other ideas.



@Micha183: Thank you, but as written above, I'll need community input. I checked the official Elder Scrolls Lore to avoid collisions and connect our story correctly to the Elder Scrolls universe. It's very hard to construct a story. When I was small boy I told storys to my little brother every evening (so he can fall asleep). The words just streamed out of my mind, but today I lost much of that fantasy. A few years ago I tryed to write a cyberpunk book, but after about 30 pages I got a blockade.

I had to check whats moneyboy...o_O unfortunately there is no emoticon bashing his head to a wall. I can't describe what I feel about that without DOS attack the bad word filter :D

@Eric: Wouldn't it be nice to have a "Books" section in the forum? I'm always grateful for recommendations! Sadly I don't have much time to read these days, so audiobooks are an good option, but sadly the things I'm interrested in rarely make it to that medium.
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Dahlia Gray

Queen of the Ludolands (and beer)
Hey, thank you all for the feedback of the stream, the "Dahlia's horse-collection" for the awesome armour (i guess i love the bosmer style :)) and for the story of our guild:)....translating it will be a lot of work, even for me, but i think i can start doing this some time. and i love malukah!
I'm still not sure what i will stream lateron - still got some stuff to do before i can start. but i thought about a Tamriel Wednesday as during the week there might be less people on the servers and the possibility of the game crashing might be less, too?
and indeed it was very confusing with streaming a new game, the twitch chat and the voice chat at the same time, but i think when i get used to the game a bit more this will be easier and i really enjoyed the teamwork! oh, and when i turned down the voice chat volume in game i was almost not able to hear the people who had already lowered their voice - so we'll have to do some sort of a sound-check some day! and just like cryorvus (and for the same reasons) i think it's important that the people taking part in the voice chat can be heard in stream.
so, hopefully i'll get my stuff done right quick now and be back streaming lateron :)


I thought there will be no ESOTU Stream today....First u need the new 15.851GB Patch and tomorrow the server will be offline :mad: dont hurry, do your stuff and even if ur in a stream-mood go online.


15.8Gb fffuuu... well, see ya in 30+ hours after the download finally completes with Sony's horribly slow downloading speed. :( No ESO today, good thing there's a stream to watch tonight. :)


Jeb, thats TESO. Had the same experience on PC many times. Seems they designed the game not very modular.

But generally I think the Wednesday could be the right choice, because for server balance reasons, like Dahlia said already. I'm not sure, just a feeling, but I think TESO isn't that popular and the viewer rate decreased? Maybe this is another good reason to put TESO into the working time of the week and bring the "blockbusters" at the weekend?

I don't know who of you have PS+. If you have PS+ your PS4 can download updates in sleep mode.
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alrighty, heavy time pressure, so just a list:
  • TESO stream to start soon
  • did some farming, put most of my stuff into guild bank, took all gold from guild bank and send to Dahlia, she should have 7k now, 3k to go to a horse
  • officers can now fetch gold form back too, I guess we should talk about for what purpose before that's done
  • will have look at ranks & permissions and maybe add another one, definitely Micha's suggestion to enable recruits to contribute to the horse fund
  • all guild members should now have a Ordo Ludophilia banner in there forum profiles, if not please call
  • TESO streams will be Wednesday, probably less traffic then
  • last stream was quite good, especially @Micha183 supporting Dahlia and @DaftMav and @RAZER inviting people to the guilds on demand
  • if something's wrong on stream it's always best to call for a change asap, for example mic levels, or group members looting everything before the streamer
  • great story @Cryorvus
  • I guess to have more people available to regularly engage in co-op activities we still need a bigger pool of members, I guess you know how to invite your friends, if not: options -> social -> friends is showing you who of your PSN friends plays TESO incl. alliance of the characters


Finaly its done, Dahlia got her first horse :rolleyes: congratulation! I think that is one of many steps we need to take ingame. About the last stream im totaly agree with @Eric. In my opinion Dahlia needs a short overview about the Questlines? Sometimes it feels like she stuck at Quest and look where she is or need to go. Idk how important it is to switch Quests that were nearer than the mainquest/next Quest. Does it change the storyline? So the navigation at the top needs an explanation maybe? My english knowing in these kind of translation isnt good enough, sorry.

So..Back to text.. @Cryorvus and me tried the last day a dungeon called "Fungeral Grotto" and it seems that the level of opponents scaling to our level so there is no way to level faster or grind some stuff in dungeons. Ok, my mage is lvl17 and Cryor was lvl9. Was a tough fight and at least we give up trying to kill the second Boss called Ozozai? ...But anyway it was just a test and it was quiet good to see how groups can play together at dungeons. Question about that is, are dungeons seperate to the mainquest? If the answer is yes, i would like to create the first 4-Member Guildrun into the Grotto next week (not in streamtime...). Anyone interested at this? For a good start i think we need Members which lvl are between 10-19.

My last request goes to @Dahlia Gray ..Please..please..please..Tell the viewers more about this website. Whats it all about etc etc... Got a few inbox messages about startin PVP or somethin else.. I think it would be good if all of the guildmembers use the website for question and other stuff too. :confused:

Thanks a lot and have a shiny day

P.S. : if any of u got a question about some meanings at my post, let me know ill try my best to translate it correctly o_O
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Pardon me as my knowledge is based on ESO on PC so I am not sure if it's 100% the same or if there are differences.

- Quests: My experience is that you should accept any available quest and try to do it area based, so to say check every single area for quests, boss mobs, skyshards etc. and then move on to the next area.

- Dungeons: Dungeons are often not that hard still there can be quite a lot of mobs that are very hard on solo, dungeons are really made for co-op. Dungeons are mixed, some are part of the mainquest, the "bigger" dungeons, e.g. "Grotto" are not a part of the mainquest, but in these dungeons you can find rare armor and weapons which will help you in your "normal" playing.

I really am sorry that there is no chance to play together PS4/PC :( I do have some gold and I am also a level 35 blacksmith, so I would kindly craft some things for you ...


I want Ozozai's head. I'll be honest, I have feelings for NPC's, cruel bloody feelings :D

Perfect day for me would be monday from 20:30 to 23:30.

@Micha183: Saw you today. Sorry I doesn't sad hello. I was in a bad mood.


Everythings fine @Cryorvus no need to worry about that.

I started a poll at "Elder Scrolls Online Guild - Dungeon Fungeral Grotto" which means, that i search 3 other "guys" to rock the dungeon on Thursday. So if this not work, i would like to start a new poll and ask "which day would be possible to play a dungeon". Maybe i took the second step before i do the first one...my fault. :rolleyes: Be sure a dungeon is not a big raid and it takes maybe 30-45 minutes to finish it :)

See ya soon


In a perfect world we would find 1 fixed day/time for a PvE raid. So the question is when exactly.

I guess European evenings and weekends would be best. Maybe let's check this timeslot first:

Perfect day for me would be monday from 20:30 to 23:30.

Who else would be available then? Alternative suggestions?


Got no clue about that. Maybe we need a "Raid/Dungeon" calendar option? But back to post... im available nearly everyday at 20:30 till open end ;) but i think we need more members to start (a couple 12-19 level members).

@Eric what about the tabard/surcoat? Do you plan anythin special about the Design? Got no permission to check it out. Same with Guilddealers. What do we need to build-in these stuff? Gold? how much? :D


A fixed day/time is mostly the most practicable way. Maybe thats a typical german opinion, but thats how we are :D.

We can nominate some days of the week, but I'm almost sure in the end someone will say: "The ...day, I wasn't able to vote for, would have been an option for me...buh hu hu."

Start a poll with every day of the week. Make it possible to vote for multiple days and we'll see where's the most overlap.

About time of day:
I think european evenings will fit for the most of us, but I don't really know that. Are there non european Ludos already?
Selfish as I am, I vote for GMT+02:00.

This could overlap with stream times, but I don't think that is something we really have to worry about. You can do things parallel. A advantage could be, that people invited to the giuld via stream will find directly members online that can take care about them (invite, answering questions, ...).

Dahlia Gray

Queen of the Ludolands (and beer)
hm, not sure if "Elder Scrolls Online Guild - Dungeon Fungeral Grotto" has already taken part, but as I'm far enough (? lvl 9) with my character we could maybe do that during the next stream on wednesday?
Ist die Pilzgrotten-Quest schon erledigt - ich bin lvl 9 glaub ich vielleicht könnte man die während des streams am Mittwoch machen?


Yesterday Micha & me thought about trying the Fungeral Grotto again, but we decided to wait till more guild members are available. So wednesday would be fine. Maybe then other members are ready to contact. Sadly the guild voice chat is always empty. Many lonley wolves out there.


  • calendar for all kind of stuff, I will look into it asap, as with everything there will be no perfect solution and we probably have to try a few options
  • guild heraldry unlocks at 10 members, costs 2000 golds, here's a page about possible designs: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Heraldry , might be another feature we can advertise when recruiting new members, so I'd say let's do it
  • guild store unlocks at 50 members
  • I'll make a table with ranks & permissions so we can discuss that too
  • Monday 20:30 CET/ 18:30 UTC - no complaints, no serious counter proposals, and it's @DaftMav 's last day before Rocket League, so maybe... ;)


Regarding guild heraldy, I'd suggest the following procedure:
  • suggest crest styles in his thread between Monday-Wednesday, let's limit it to 2 styles/person
  • Thursday ~00:00 UTC I'll add a poll to the thread with the suggested styles
  • poll will be open until Saturday 23:59:59 UTC
  • most voted design wins
  • I'll check what background goes best with the chosen design
  • let's go with colors similar to the ludophiles colors
  • I'll purchase the heraldy as soon as the required amount of gold is in the guild bank

And let me just suggest
because it's simple, probably recognizable in game, and has a "watcher" attitude