Elder Scrolls Online Guild


English Version below the Line

Hi, ich schildere es nochmal, wie es aus meiner Sicht ablief. Ich sendete Micha eine Gruppeneinladung und bekam prompt die Meldung, dass dieser nicht meiner Allianz angehört. Gleich danach die Meldung, dass die Einladung verschickt wurde. Ich halte die letztere Meldung für einen Programmfehler bzw. schlecht ausgedrückt. Soll heißen: verschickt JA, zugestellt NEIN (weil aus Allianzgründen blockiert). Ich gehe davon aus, dass ein gemeinsames questen mit "Feinden" von der Spielmechanik her nicht gewollt ist.

Ist jetzt echt blöd für Micha (und andere, habe noch einen Dominion Spieler gesehen), aber noch wurde ja nicht allzuviel "investiert". Ich habe auch einen weiteren Char beim Dolchsturzbündnis, mit dem ich dann halt spiele, wenn Gildenmäßig gerade nichts läuft. Mein Ebenherz Char (Level 6) wartet jetzt so lange in Sturmhafen bis andere dazustoßen.

Wäre evtl. auch ein Vorschlag für andere, da es doof wird gemeinsam zu questen, wenn man sich vom Level her zu sehr unterscheidet (Unterforderung/Überforderung).

Am Donnerstag könnte ich etwas später dazukommen. Um 19:00 bringe ich immer die Horde ins Bett, geht also garnich.

Heute ist Weihnachten!
Um für einen optimalen Einstieg zu sorgen, möchte ich hier nochmal allen Gildenmitgliedern ein Angebot machen:
Falls ihr irgendwelche Ausrüstung benötigt, dann schreibt mir bitte euren Level und die benötigten Gegenstände. Ich habe einen Char, der alles herstellen kann, solange euer Level noch im unteren Bereich liegt. Ich werde das dann "first come, first served" abarbeiten. Nur die Rohstoffe sind knapp, da ich die Materialien für Low Level kram aus Platzgründen leider schon lange entsorgt habe. Jute, Rohleder und Eisen Spenden wären willkommen. Vielleicht kann ja der eine oder andere, der nicht am craften interessiert ist das im Bankfach ablegen oder an eine InGame Nachricht anhängen.

Das wärs erstmal. Hoffe man sieht sich bald mal im Einsatz.




Hi, I'll tell the story from my perspective. I send Micha an group invite and got a message, that he's not part of my alliance. After that, I got a message, "invite send". I think the last message was wrong. Mean: send YES, delivered NO (because blocked for alliance reasons). I believe doing quests together with "enemies" isn't allowed by game mechanics.

Thats bad for Micha (and other Dominion chars I had seen), but we just started and didn't do very much leveling. I've a second char (Daggerfall) and use it, if there are no guild activities. My Ebenheard char (level 6) will wait at Stormharbor til other guild players come around.

Maybe this is a proposal for others, because its no fun to quest with each other, if the levels are to differnt (unchallenged/challenged).

I could come to chat at Thursday, but some time later. At 19:00 (7:00 pm) I've to bring my Horde to bed, so no chance.

Today is Xmas!
To start optimal, I'll offer you something:
If you need any equipment, please tell me about your level and the needed stuff. I got a char that can craft low level stuff - first come, first served. But my ressources runnin out, because I deleted much of the low level material (space issues). Jute, leather and iron are welcome. Maybe the pure fighters can put that things to our guild bank account or send it to me as an attachment of ingame mail.

Thats it, so far. Hope to see you for some ingame action.


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No time for the english translation, maybe later - sorry

So, Micha hat nun ein komplettes Rüstungsset erhalten. ABER, das Zeug ist noch nicht fertig. Um so richtig abzugehen, sollte man seine Gegenstände noch Verzaubern. Dafür könnt ihr Glyphen benutzen, die zum Levelbereich der Gegenstände passen. Nimmt man nicht was man gerade so findet, dann hat man die Qual der Wahl.

Übrigens sind meine Materialressourcen schon erschöpft. Für Michas Set musste ich schon sammeln gehen, was recht langweilig ist. Habe es aber durchgezogen, weil ich ein komplettes Set abliefern wollte.

Aber zurück zum Verzaubern! Es folgt eine Auflistung von Zaubern, die ihr auf eure Ausrüstung anwenden könnt (ist nicht unbedingt vollständig):





Flamme (verursacht Falmmenschaden)
Frost (verursacht Frostschaden)
Schock (verursacht Schockschaden)
Gift (verursacht Giftschaden)
Fäulnis (verursacht Seuchenschaden)

Lebensminderung (verursacht unvermeidbaren Schaden)
Zorn (erhöht eure Kraft für 5 Sekunden)

Schwächung (verringert Stärke des Gegner für 5 Sekunden)
Zerschmettern (verringert Rüstung des Gegner für 5 Sekunden)
Schadensschild (erhöht euren Schadensschild für 5 Sekunden)

Magickaabsorption (verursacht Magieschaden/regeneriert Magicka)
Lebensabsorption (verursacht Magieschaden/regeneriert Leben)
Ausdauerabsorption (verursacht Magieschaden/regeneriert Ausdauer)


Magickaregeneration (Magicka regenriert schneller)
Lebensregeneration (Leben regenriert schneller)
Ausdauerregeneration (Ausdauer regenriert schneller)

Zauberkostenminderung (magische Angriffe euch weniger Magicka)
Fähigkeitenkostenminderung (Einsatz von Fähigkeiten kostet weniger Ausdauer)
Abschirmen (Schildschläge und Blocken kosten weniger Ausdauer)

Feuerresistenz (verringert euch zugefügten Flammenschaden)
Frostresistenz (verringert euch zugefügten Frostschaden)
Schockresistenz (verringert euch zugefügten Schockschaden)
Giftresistenz (verringert euch zugefügten Giftschaden)
Seuchenresistenz (verringert euch zugefügten Seuchenschaden)

verringerter magischer Schaden (verringert euch zugefügten Magieschaden)
verringerter physischer Schaden (verringert euch zugefügten physischen Schaden)

Tranktempos (gegen euch eingesetzte Tränke mit einer geringeren Stufe als der Gegenstand wirken 5 Sekunden weniger)

Einschlagen (Schildschläge verursachen mehr Schaden)
magischer Schaden (magische Angriffe verursachen mehr Schaden)
pysischer Schaden (pysische Angriffe verursachen mehr Schaden)

Trankverbesserung (von euch benutzte Tränke wirken stärker) - also die für euch bzw. gegen Gegner

Hoffe das ist hilfreich...Gruß,


P.S.: @Micha: Such dir was für alle deine Gegenstände aus, noch ist mein Runenbeutel prall gefüllt, aber ich habe gestern gemerkt, dass das Material schneller leer ist als man glauben mag.


Danke Dir Cryor, ich revanchier mich zeitnah mit Rohmaterialien. Ich hab kein Problem stundenlang stupide farmrunden zu drehen :)

Denke Du brauchst für leichte Rüstungen (Stoff) massenhaft Jute + Flachs sowie für mittlere Rüstungen (Leder) Rohleder + Halbleder?

Die Verzauberungen schau ich mir nochmal genauer an bevor ich irgendwas auswähle, was sich nicht mit meinem gameplay deckt.

Generelle Frage was Rohmaterialien anbelangt...Soll sowas in die Gildenbank? oder direkt an den "Hersteller"? So langsam bekomm ich ein Platzproblem was Bank und Taschen angeht..


for our english members...

ived written a big ty to cryor about the equipment that he made for me. I asked him which kind of material he needs for doin some airy clothes? (dont know the right word about the lighter clothes call..) and leather clothes... about the enchantments ill look later about it.

So Question about all the stuff we get or farm, ingame... Do we need them at the Guildbank or should we send it to Cryor for build some armors?

well..english..got a big delay in my brain to translate the text into it...long time no read/write and i hope u will understand my writings :cool:


Hi there,

first of all: sorry that I don't have much time to look into guild affairs, these days I'm completely occupied by E3 stuff... guild, E3, channel birthday, "finishing" the website, ... just too many things coinciding...

I can certainly participate in a "meeting" anytime, almost anywhere (for example tonight not ingame).

Lemme just list some considerations, brainstorming style:

  • we do have a TeamSpeak server that currently should be up & running, some people are on there already and maybe can share the details (@French_pumba ??? ), the plan is to integrate the TS server with this website to make it easily accessible, should at least work as a back up to ingame voice
  • we can easily embed twitch chat anywhere on the website, the disadvantages: you need to be logged in to twitch to use it, you cannot access history meaning you can't read what has been written when you were not in chat (it's IRC based so there are certainly methods to solve that but I have no idea about that)
  • we can also certainly add a custom chat to the website, that one would always work, with history but also would have limited funcionality
  • we can also easily create a skype group discussion, with all the advantages & disadvantages attached
  • we can have a private conversation on this website, maybe @RAZER can start one
conclusion: a lot of options none of which is the perfect solution

Guild activity
From personal experience in the past I'd say it's still a very small guild, lots of people tend to play rather solo and only occasionally participate in guild activities, this might be even more valid with TESO due to the ES single player history and the amount of content you actually can experience playing solo. To have enough people online to always find someone to play coop we probably need a lot more members, better organization and better information. The idea mainly is that good organization and elaborated information attracts people and promotes activity.

So this is what we could do, loosely in about the following order:

  • working towards guild heraldry
  • working towards guild merchant (needs 50 members afaik)
  • getting an ESO room on the TS server
  • having some sort of calendar for guild activities
  • guild user group with custom banner
  • creating wiki style guides
    • how to create a character suitable for the guild
    • character development
    • how to join the guild
    • how the guild is organized (officers, roles, permissions, communication, ...)
    • the beginner's path
      • how to play The Wailing Prison
      • first visit to Davon's Watch/Davon's Wacht
      • how to play Bleakrock Isle/Ödfels
      • how to play Bal Foyen
      • completing Davon's Watch
    • how to co-op
      • group composition, how to form group
      • dungeon guides
  • regular events, for example the "sunday raid"
  • livestreaming of activities
  • a guild logo
  • guild signature banners
  • recruiting tour
    • how to invite friends to the guild
    • introducing the guild on other websites
Best advertisement for the guild at this point might be Dahlia streaming. With her demanding full-time job and pets her free time is already very limited and she spents most of it streaming. So we could support her a little bit to save her from farming/grinding and making the stream a little bit more attractive:
  • the perfect equipment for Dahlia, Nord Dragonknight, lvl 3, putting it in the guild bank
  • a simple guide for Dahlia how best develop her character
  • a mount for Dahlia so she can go faster in live streams, that does probably only work with farming gold I guess?!?
  • more inventory space for Dahlia, basically gold farming as above?!?
P.S. to poke people @username works great, just try it @Micha183 @Cryorvus @DaftMav ;)
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Great ideas, looks like a lot of work. lets get it on...tomorrow ;)

No serious, I'll think about what I can do. I already thought about the heraldry, but this have to get a community project. I just want to start with some ideas. Then, the english version should be checked by a more competent (maybe english native?) guy.

I dont think we need the part:
  • the beginner's path
    • how to play The Wailing Prison
    • first visit to Davon's Watch/Davon's Wacht
    • how to play Bleakrock Isle/Ödfels
    • how to play Bal Foyen
    • completing Davon's Watch
Learning by doing is much more effective than reading such a tutorial.

I can build a armor for Dahlias Dragonknight. Leveling goes fast, so I'll build lvl 5 stuff. Inventory space and mountable animals are very expensive (ingame gold). Last one can be bought with "Kronen", too.


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Would like to help out Dahlia, as I have a bit of gold from my previous character, but I guess I can not get that to her from my PC game :(


Learning by doing is much more effective than reading such a tutorial.

I absolutely agree and I'd rather fail 100 times before reading it up. However, there are people that prefer watching tutorials before they even start to play. But let's postpone that, unless we find an easy way to do it.

EDIT: Hm, and some tips might be really helpful... for example joining all the guilds before going to Bleakrock/Ödfels


Dahlias armor is send. Level 6 Armor, Level 5 is out of construction grid. Sorry, no special quality. I need more "Hohnstein".

@Micha183: direct delivery please, so I dont have to walk to the bank. For now: Jute, Rohleder & Eisen to build armor. And Hohnsteine, but they are rare. To make Armor-Glyphes I need Jode-Runes. GN, Cryor


I tryed to put the guild name "Ordo Ludophilia" togehter with a guild background story. An Order is something with a religious origin, so I was looking for a god loving games, but there is no siutable god in tamriel...maybe we should tell that the "Ordo" is sarcasm and the guild came from a "gladiator games" background?


Official FOCK Counter
@Eric : Indeed we do have a Teamspeak server fully working where people can join to talk and discuss about the stream or even come and join to play a game with the streamer when invited. They can also join a channel to play together for the Ludophiles Guilds, but i have to create an other room for them. Should be done quickly.
We still have to make more advertising about the teamspeak as it's not used at all except by me, but it's not really usefull to use teamspeak when alone haha !
Still, i recon using teamspeak is more comfortale when talking than skype, whearas skype is better when typing !

TS server adress :
TS server password : ludopw


Was asked in chat today what our guild is all about.
Basically told the guy we are a young guild and that he can help shape it. (last thing I heard from him)


Why not just use the in-game voice chat? There are many channels to use, there's guild, group and even a separate channel for officers. Works just fine too, tried it last night. In any case all voice chat solutions via the PC are not an option for me, as my PC is in a different room than my PS4 and I don't have a laptop.

I'm not sure what the limit is on amount of people in voice chat in-game, or if they can be heard at all when Dahlia is streaming (I don't think so but that's something to test out). There's also the PS4's party chat which might be a bit better in quality but is limited to 8 people. And by default nobody can be heard on twitch streams unless everyone changes their party chat settings to allow their voice to be streamed (this setting does not save, every time you enter a party it's turned off by default again).

At least for inviting people from stream to play with Dahlia I think the in-game or PS4 party chat would be best, there are many who've never even heard of teamspeak.

As for stuff in the guild bank, there are soooo many items you'll never be able to store it all in your own bank. If you've chosen which professions you want to do yourself (like blacksmithing, enchanting, cooking, etc), maybe it's a good idea to dump all the other materials you don't really use in the guild bank (there's 500 space in there so shouldn't be an issue right?). Ingredients aren't worth much and this way everyone can use stuff to level up their professions. Duplicate recipes/patterns too if you've already learned them, although you might be able to put those in the guild shop for a bit of coin if they're really good.

Dahlia already put in a bunch of alchemy and cooking ingredients in the bank last night. So people can just grab some of those, level their skills and deposit some end-products back in the bank. One small issues is that I think the bank doesn't allow you to take just one or two out of a stack, so if there's 12 of one potion you grab all 12. Not sure if you can put a few of those in your own bank, then deposit the rest in the guild bank again? ---Edit: it is indeed possible to deposit a certain amount in your own bank, and put the rest back in the guild bank.
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Yep, yep, certainly for playing TESO on PS4 the ingame voice channels are the best solution. So in that case, I guess the TS would only server as a backup. But now that there's an ESO guild on PC too it's cool to have TS.

Guild bank, let's set up some sort of policy for that, basically what DaftMav said should be good. One thing to consider is that new members join the guild as "recruits" and afaik the standard settings don't even allow recruits to put items in the guild bank, and iirc only officers can take items from the bank. So we might have to adjust these settings. Will investigate later.

Dahlia is about to start, first TESO stream ever. If you are around, let's make it as smooth and easy as possilble for Dahlia.


The 'Members' rank can also withdraw from guild bank, but can also invite people. Not sure if that's a combination you want. Maybe a rank in between can be made, or allow depositing for recruits to start with. (I think the guild leader can create new ranks right?)

Also I think officers can't take gold from the bank, so you'll have to send the gold to Dahlia via mail or something for the 10.000 horse. I think there's about 2000 now, so maybe we all could add a little bit more to get there. :p
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Good morning, i think daftmav got it right. We need a change in some ranks. The 2k was a gift from me for Dahlias first horse but i need also 10k for mine, so i have to slow down the donations... makes no sense.. Dahlia can ride and all the others walk or run behind her :eek::D


100% agree to DaftMav's proposal. I think our guild members seem to be intelligent and fair, so this bank-thing could work.

Feedback to first TESO Stream:
I think, even if it was little bit bumpy startup, we could mark this as a success. I think its good the other players can be heard in stream. So no one has to wonder what Dahlia is talking about, when answering guild members. Maybe, we should try to speak more english (at least for simple arrangements) to hold the community/stream-fans on a high level (think international). I know thats uncomfortable, but maybe in 10-20 years all of us can speak english that fluent like Dahlia. Voice chat wasn't messy, no one talked too much (maybe because being live streamed ;) ), so this concept can have a future.

@Micha183: Was great to hear you. Thank you for the material. What level your next set should have? What about the magic upgrades? I didn't want to discuss things like that during the stream, so using this way or if online without public.

@Dahlia Gray: Hope you like the armor, especially the optic. This is Bosmer style. Unfortunately Orvius isn't able to craft nordic stuff. Possible are Bosmer, Bretonen, Rothwardonen, Khajiit, Orks (maybe I forgot one, I'll have to take a look, when back home). Just like Micha, tell me what level the next supply should have and which spells I should speak on the armor parts.

@all: If you need equipment, tell me. I'll see whats possible.

Check styles here:


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Thanks to @Cryorvus at least for the positive feedback and setbuilding. In my opinion i think i dont need an other set for hmm 10 levels so the next armory should get lvl18-20? Dont know about the dropings in dungeons may i should google them :) i dont need these kind of upgrades at my level or? I dont think so..maybe it works better with the next armory step at lvl18-20?

First dungeon will be Fungal Grotto at lvl10? not sure about that but do we need to walk/ride to this area? Or is possible to move over if someone already stands there.

My 2 cents about the voicechat at the stream is unbalanced.. Its nice to hear/talk to all of you but the quality of Headsets are different..i got the normal ps4 one-ear HS and the speechquality of it...hmm let me think about the word.. is "terrible" so i heard my voice and said to myself "better be quiet before the viewerrate will drop" :rolleyes: maybe it will be a better quality if i buy a new one but dont panic..ill not talk too much and less if the conversation gets into english :D

@Dahlia Gray i take my hat off to you. Streaming, chatting, talkin and playin isnt easy at TESO. Yesterday i got no time to write and read a lot in the chat so now i know a little about your "job" in there.


Theoretical a new armor/weapons is usefull every time your level rise, BUT practical you don't really need to be equiment superoptimised to survive. In my opinion it makes sense to craft one set for every level-range (1-10; 10-20; 20-30). Parallel to range, the material changes (Iron, Steel, ...). I'm no Yogi, but like the way thru the middle, so for the next goodies ladies and gentleman reach level 15.

About moving: I'm not sure. Generally you can teleport to other players. The system will teleport you to a shrine near the target. If this means:

the nearest shrine, indifferent which shrines you already found
the nearest shrine you already found

we have to test.

A good friend of mine owns the PS4 one-ear HS too. Yes, it IS terrible. I use a cheap Tritton HS. There is no volume control, if you connect the HS direct to the PS4 Controller. If it shows that I'm to loud for the stream, I have to found the settings in PS4. But price/performance are ok to me.

Don't panic about english, I think my english is on "ey alda, was guggst du"-niveau too ;).

What you say about Dahlia's "Job"...I would directly sign that. I'm overchallenged talking and playing at the same time. Must be a multi-core system inside her head. I'm more like a perforated paper tape computer.